Flowers of February


If cut roses are well cared for, their lifespan can be doubled. To double the vase life of roses, water them liberally! If roses are placed in foam, make sure the inside of the foam is always wet. Avoid using household or industrial water filtration devices, as the salts will cause the flower to wilt prematurely. Air bubbles and bacteria clog the stem of the flower and prevent water from reaching the flower. This causes the flower to bend its neck. By cutting the stem ends of the roses under water, you will both clear the clogged parts and prevent the clogging from progressing. The leaves remaining in the water will rot and create an environment that will allow the growth of bacteria that cause clogging of the stems. If the flower water starts to become cloudy, replace the water with clean water with a flower protection supplement. The preservative has three main benefits; It prevents the proliferation of bacteria, reduces the PH value of the water, facilitates the flow of water towards the flower, and provides food (sugar) to prevent the roses from wilting. Sometimes it is possible to revive faded roses by cutting the stem ends below the water level again. Some experts recommend immersing the entire flower (stem + flower) in a basin of water for an hour. Roses stay alive longer as long as they are kept in a cool place. Keep your flowers away from sunlight, heat sources and drafts. If your roses have arrived in a box, store them in a cool, dark place until the arrangement is ready. Before preparing the arrangement, remove all leaves from the flowers below the waterline. Fill the sink or a bucket with water, then cut off at least 2.5 cm of the body you put into the water with scissors or a knife. Immediately place the flowers in the vase and make sure there are no leaves below the water level. When ready, store the arrangement in a cool, dark room for 2-3 hours if possible.


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Flowers of January